Excellent people, excellent results

Proud to be in the top 1% of schools nationally for progress and the top school for progress in Leicestershire.

Join Us for our Open Evening

Come and join us on the 26th September for our open evening.


Thank you for your interest in our highly successful and popular 11-16 school. We are fully comprehensive and currently welcome girls and boys from Oadby and the surrounding area, particularly from the residential suburbs in the south and east of Leicester.

We are proud to be in the top 1% of schools nationally for progress and the top school for attainment and progress in Leicestershire. Our mission is to ensure that not only are students well qualified when they leave us but that they are excellent people as well, with great character. Hence "Excellent people, excellent results".


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What makes Manor High School different?




Progress 8 Score


Attainment 8 Score


EBacc Entry

Book your place at our Open Evening Thursday 26th September 5.00pm - 8.00pm

Please visit the Admissions web page to book your places. Presentations will take place at 5.00pm, 6.00pm and 7.00pm

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