Information from primary schools is the starting point for us in identifying those students with learning needs for which additional help may be required. All of our feeder schools are visited by a member of staff and wherever possible we aim to meet with students, Year 6 teaching staff and the school’s SENDCo where appropriate. Our SENDCo will also attend final statement/EHCP review meetings when invited by the primary school, and will provide additional transition time for those vulnerable students who are anxious about the move to secondary school.
In addition, at the start of Year 7 all students will have their reading and comprehension assessed, and the information will be used to establish who might need additional support.
As the term progresses the SENDCo will liaise with subject teachers and support staff to identify any students who are not making the expected levels of progress.
Whenever the need for additional support is identified the SENDCo will make contact with the student’s parent/carer who will be invited into school to discuss support options and strategies.
The school undertakes to involve outside specialists when necessary to assist with the identification of special educational needs and to advise on effective support and interventions.