
The School is made up of four houses which are named after local parks. They compete throughout the year in a variety of ways to gain the highest number of house points and also to raise the most money for their chosen house charity.

Our house system gives our students a sense of belonging within the school and ensures that there is cohesion and peer support between year groups.

Students can gain house points through impeccable conduct, good attendance and behaviour that reflects our Core Values. They can also gain additional points by representing the school, attending clubs and entering house competitions. Prizes are given out to high achieving students throughout the year and at the end of the academic year the coveted House Cup is awarded to the winning house.

Our school day is centred round our Tutorial time. Each House consists of nine tutor groups, which are made up from students across all years. We value this time as a good opportunity to look at the whole child and not just their academic ability.

House Logo

House Name

House Colour

House Manager

House Charity



Miss Booth



Mrs Sumra



Mrs Naylor



Ms Tutla