
The Governing Body at Manor High School



Date of appointment/ term end date

Type of


Term of Office

Business and Pecuniary interests

Miss Grace Brown
Chair of Governors
Quality of Education
MAT Representative
21.09.23-20.09.25 Appointed* 2 years Headteacher at Brookside Primary School
Mr Jesse Jackson
17.11.22-16.11.26 Appointed* 4 years None
Mr Matthew Evans Enrichment
21.09.23-20.09.25 Appointed* 2 years Headteacher at Overdale Junior School
Mr Sanjay Mistry 06.02.21-05.02.25 Appointed* 4 years Managing Director of SKM Design
Mrs Hayley Holmes Safeguarding 21.09.23-20.09.25 Appointed* 2 years Headteacher at Overdale Infant School
Hayley Brown Curriculum
Pupil Premium
21.09.23-20.09.25 Appointed* 2 years Headteacher at Woodland Grange Primary School
Charmelle Longe Staff Governor 29.10.2024-28.10.20278 Staff* 4 years None
Laura-Jayne Ward 06.11.2023-05.11.2027 Appointed* 4 years Works at Leicester City Council
Chris Brett 16.01.2025 – 15.09.2029 Parent* 4 years None
Zaynab Bharuchi 15.03.2024-14.03.2028 Appointed* 4 years Vice-Principal at Sidney Stringer Academy Trust

Former Governors (last 12 months)



Dates of appointment

Type of

Term of Office

Business and Pecuniary interests

Miss Tina Lee 30.09.21-29.09.25 Parent 4 years None
Mr Adam Suffolk


  • TBC
28.05.21-27.05.25 Appointed* 4 years None
Mr Satinder Gautam 30.09.21-30.06.23 Parent 4 years Director of Simply Assessments Ltd
Miss Alison Dawes


  • Quality of Education
  • Safeguarding (inc Health & Safety)
19.04.18-18.08.23 Staff 4 years None
Mr Luke St Clair


27.05.21-26.05.25 Appointed* 4 years Director of Knightsbridge Estate Agents

Clerk to Governors:

Mike Behnke

* All Parent or Appointed Governors are on the annual Pay Committee and on the following panels on an ad-hoc basis:

  • Pay appeals
  • Disciplinary Panel
  • Disciplinary Appeals
  • Interview Panel
  • Complaints Panel 

The Trustees of OAK Multi Academy Trust believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision-making.

Due to our relatively small governing bodies, we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.


Position(s) of Responsibility


Mr Liam Powell Headteacher 2/4
Mr Shehzad Qureshi Chair (AG) 2/4
Mr Sanjay Mistry Vice Chair (AG) 2/4
Miss Alison Dawes (SG) 3/4
Mr J Jackson (PG) 2/4
Mr L St Clair (PG) 0/4
Miss T Lee (PG) 2/4
Mr T Biala (PG) 4/4
Mr Simon Greiff Deputy Headteacher 4/4
Mr Nicholas Handley Assistant Headteacher 2/4
Mrs Vanessa Mehta Deputy Headteacher 2/4
Miss Vanee Permal Assistant Headteacher 2/4
Mrs Deb Muggleton Clerk to Governors 4/4
Mr James Croucher Assistant Headteacher 2/4