
Welcome to the parent’s area of our website

We have put all the information you may find useful in one easy to find place.

If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school as early as possible. You can:

  • Send a message via School Gateway, either on the app or online
  • Call: 0116 271 4941 and select option 1 to leave a message at any time of night or day

Please provide the name and form of your child, the reason for absence and your relationship to them. You need to call/message every day they will be absent, before 8.30am.

We cannot accept messages to notify us of your child’s absence on social media.

If you need to take your child out of school during the school day, we require an adult to meet them at reception. We are unable to release students unless an adult is present. If your child is late to school due to medical appointments (e.g. doctor, dentist, hospital) we require either a telephone call from parents/carers, appointment card displaying your child’s name or a note from parents/carers. Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the front office before going to lessons

Occasionally it is necessary for the school to administer medication to a students on their parents’ behalf. Details of how this process is managed is in the Medication Policy and Management Procedures, which can be found on our Policy pages.

In addition, if a parent wishes us to administer medicine in school they are required to complete the form rather below and return it to school.

Medicine Consent Form

At Manor High, we celebrate the success of young people so our focus is on praise and rewards for achievement. You can view points that have been earned by your child on School Gateway.

Students earn House Points in many ways: outstanding work, consistently high performance, exemplary behaviour, attendance, representing the school, musical and drama performances or contributing to the school community. As well as being able to earn additional House Points, students can also lose them if receiving sanctions.

At the end of each term there will be certificates and rewards issued to the high achievers in each House. At the end of the school year all points will be combined to see which House will be awarded the House Cup.

The dates for all our Parents’ Evenings and Progress Reports can be found in the School Calendar. We use an online booking system for each of our parents evenings.

We have an emergency closure procedure in place, for example, in the event of heavy snow. We will always try to keep the school open but, if it is deemed unsafe to do so, the school may have to close at short notice.

In this instance, we will do all we can to contact parents:

  • We will send a message to parents directly via School Gateway, so please download the app to ensure you receive prompt notification.
  • We will also notify parents on our website and social media feeds.
  • We will inform BBC Radio Leicester.

If you would like to give feedback about the school, please contact Mr Powell using the Contact Us form. Alternatively, you can submit your opinions to the DfE directly by following the link below to Ofsted Parent View.

All after-school clubs, extra-curricular activities and school trips can be viewed on our calendar or by the students on the screens around school. Our clubs are very varied and involve music, drama, languages, sports and more.

Emails will be sent home in regard to trips. Payment for all trips will be via School Gateway.

We have three distinct food serving areas at Manor High School. The Hatches, The Food Court and The Snack Shack.

Our skilled catering staff cook freshly prepared meals daily at breakfast, break and lunch. We have a choice of ‘Grab and Go’ snacks and healthy, nutritious hot plated meals on offer, as well as sandwiches, salads and drinks. Below are our current menus:

(Details correct at time of publishing, September 2021. Menus and prices are subject to change.)