
Data will be processed to be in line with the requirements and protection set out in the General Data Protection Regulations.

All policies relating to Data Protection and GDPR can be found on the Oak Trust website: www.oaktrust.org/gdpr

Trust Policies

For details of the following policies, please go to: www.oaktrust.org/Policies

Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy (Pupils)
CCTV Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Complaints Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Debt Management Policy
Equality and Diversity
Freedom Of Information Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Local Governor Induction Process
Low-Level Concerns Policy
Managing Allegations Policy
Menopause Policy
Online Safety Policy
Parental Dispute Policy
Parental Use of Social Networking and Internet Policy
Records Management and Retention Policy
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy (RSHE) Policy

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy RSHE Policy 2024

Within Oak MAT, our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) programme is an integral part of our whole school PSHE. High quality relationships and sex education helps create safe school communities in which pupils can grow, learn and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life.

read more ❯
Single Central Record Policy
Staff Wellbeing Policy
Trustee Induction Process
Volunteer Policy
Whistleblowing Policy

Manor High Policies

Click below to view the relevant Manor High School policies or forms.

You will have completed an admission form when your child joined our school. If you need to update any details, please can you complete our online Student Data Form:

Student Data Form

This is the information we hold on your children while they are at our school. As you will appreciate, it is vitally important that the information we have is accurate and up to date, so please take the time to fully complete the form.

Please can you also complete our Parental Consents form:

Parental Consents Form

This ensures that we are compliant with GDPR and data protection laws. The permissions cover a variety of areas where consent is required, including photographs and school trips.

Other consent forms can be found below:

Consent Guide

Students Post-16 Education Data Sharing 

Students Work Experience or Time Out

Consent Withdrawal – Student

Consent Withdrawal – Adult

My Rights as a Data Subject 

My Rights Query Form 

The following principles should be applied in a manner consistent with Leicestershire’s continuing commitment to comprehensive community education and the curriculum statement to the benefit of all students.

Admissions Policy 2023-2024 (updated April 2023)

Admissions Policy 2024-2025 (updated April 2023)

Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (updated March 2024)

Admissions arrangements of all mainstream academies and free schools must comply with the School admissions code and the School admissions appeals code.

Admission authorities must set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements, the admission authority must first publicly consult on those arrangements. If no changes are made to admission arrangements, they must be consulted on at least once every seven years. Consultation must be for a minimum of six weeks and must take place between 1 October and 31 January of the school year before those arrangements are to apply (the determination year).


Year 7: At the main transfer cycle. The Year 7 oversubscription list (OSL) will run until the end of the autumn term of the transfer year.

Year 8, 9, 10 and 11: No waitlists run for these year groups.

Consultation on proposal to increase the capacity of Manor High School

It is proposed to expand Manor High School from 900 to 1050 places. This would enable the school to admit 210 children into Year 7 each year from 2025-2026 school year onwards, an increase of 30 students over the current official admission number. The intention is that the school would grow incrementally over time with successive intakes of 210 creating sustainable gradual growth over a 5-year period, until the maximum of 1050 students on roll is reached.

Consultation ran from Tuesday 24th October 2023 to Friday 24th November 2023.

Manor High School Consultation 2023

Assessment Policy

Students should all be aware of:

  • Their level for the section of work;
  • Their successes with the section of work;
  • How to improve the section of work.

The policy below aims to help students to reach or exceed their full academic potential. To achieve this aim, there must be a uniform approach across the school.

Marking and feedback policy

Our exams policies can be found on this page: Curriculum & Learning / Exams & Procedures

The Trust have a Health and Safety policy (see link above) which is supported by our own school policy:

MHS Health and Safety Policy 23-24

Employer Liability Insurance 2023-24

Public Liability Insurance 2023-24

Insurance details for the presentation of a Personal Injury Claim in respect of Public Liability via the Claims Portal.

Third Party Agent Portal ID Insurer Effective Date Policy Number
Gallagher Bassett D00019 QBE 01/09/2019 Y080684QBE0119A/107
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2020 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2021 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2022 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2023 KSC-242101-4623

Insurance details for the presentation of a Personal Injury Claim in respect of Employers’ Liability via the Claims Portal.

Third Party Agent Portal ID Insurer Effective Date Policy Number
Gallagher Bassett D00019 QBE 01/09/2019 Y080684QBE0119A/107
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2020 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2021 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2022 KSC-242101-4623
Zurich COO108 Zurich 01/09/2023 KSC-242101-4623

It may be that in exceptional circumstances, a short absence is agreed to. In these extreme cases, discretion will be exercised. A number of factors will be taken into account. These include the urgency of the request, the impact upon learning, progress and achievement and the number of previous days’ absence for the student.

The school does not authorise term time holidays. This is because of the impact upon progress and learning. If a holiday goes ahead, it is our policy to mark the absence as an unauthorised holiday absence. We recognise that holiday periods are more expensive and that many families have to travel long distances to visit relatives. We also recognise that parents and carers may choose to proceed with the absence without authorisation. However, we wish to make it clear that our records will state that the absence was not authorised.

Leave of Absence Request

Occasionally it is necessary for the school to administer medication to a students on their parents’ behalf. Details of how this process is managed is in the policy below.

In addition, if a parent wishes us to administer medicine in school they are required to complete the form rather below.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

First Aid Policy

Medicine Consent Form

The personal data collected is essential, in order for Manor High School to fulfil our official functions and meet legal requirements. Please read the document below which outlines the information we process and the purposes it is used for under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please see the Oak Trust website for a full collection of our Privacy Notices.

Remote Learning Policy

Additional guidance regarding online assessment and examinations is necessary during the Covid pandemic.  This guidance for examinations and assessments will ensure consistency and fairness across all subjects and all year groups.

Online Assessment and Examination Guidance

Manor High fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support students in school. The aim of the safeguarding policy is to safeguard and promote our students’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The students’ welfare is of paramount importance.

Safeguarding Policy

Additional general information can also be found on our Student safety and wellbeing page

The Governors ensure that the development and co-ordination of special educational provision is an integral part of the development of the school. They are committed to ensuring that the best possible education is provided for those who need it.

Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy 

Accessibility Plan 

SEND Information Report 

Data will be processed to be in line with the requirements and protections, set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.