Manor High is proud to have years of outstanding GCSE results and experience. Our students have achieved exceptional progress and results year after year.
Information on our official results from 2023 can be found on the government website:
2023 Results
In 2023, 91% of our students achieved 4+ in Maths and English (national figure is 65%) and 77% gained 5+ in Maths and English (national figure is 45%).
National comparisons use Progress 8 (P8) to capture the progress a student makes from the end of primary school to the end of secondary school. Attainment 8 (A8) measures the achievement of a student across eight qualifications. Grade 6 was the average grade achieved (attainment 8)
Our Progress 8 score continues to be amongst the highest 50 schools in the country and was 1.08 this year. This is well above the national average.
We are committed to ensuring our students follow an E Bacc curriculum with 95% of our students following this pathway compared to a national average of 45%. The average grade for the E Bacc qualifications was 6.05 compared to the national average of 4.05.
We are very proud of our students’ achievements. These achievements are down to the combined efforts of parents, students and school working together in partnership.