Venue Hire

The school is available to community groups and individuals to hire, whether it be a conference room, meeting room or event venue.

We have produced a comprehensive community user handbook as an information manual to assist in your dealings with us at Manor High School. It is also a point of reference to inform you of what you may expect from us and what we shall expect from you as users of our premises.

We have tried to make the information as easy as possible to understand but if there is anything you feel unsure about then please ask. We are here to be of help to you in any way we can and are open to suggestions for improvements.

If you are interested in hiring our venue please contact Iain Langman, our Premises Manager, on 0116 271 4941 or fill in our online form

Manor High School Indemnity and Conditions of Lettings:

  1.  To indemnify Manor High School (the School) against the consequences of any unauthorised performance of copyright work during the period of the use of the School, and to complete the returns required by the Performing Rights Society.
  2. To pay the letting fee in full at least 14 days before the hiring is to take place. Cheques should be made payable to Manor High School. If payment is not made by the due date then the School reserves the right to cancel the hiring.
  3. During the period of hiring, the hirer shall be held responsible for all damages, losses, claims and costs arising out of the use of premises, and shall indemnify the School for any claim arising from accidents whether fatal or otherwise to any employee or agent of the School and to any member of the public and to any third parties, caused as a result of the hiring, except where due to the negligence of the School, its servants or agents.
  4. To adhere in full to the following regulations:
    • No preparation may be applied to the floors.
    • Intoxicants shall not be brought onto the premises.
    • No interference with school equipment.
    • No interference with any external heating apparatus shall be allowed.
    • The premises shall be vacated at the due time.
    • All vehicle parking to be in the marked bays.
    • No smoking on the premises.
    • Only the correct footwear to be worn in the Gym – no outdoor shoes.
    • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1982 with regard to the conduct of Public Entertainments.
    • Theatres Act 1968 with regard to performances of dance and drama.
  5. The premises shall not be hired to the following organisations:
    • The National Front
    • The New National Front
    • The British Constitutional Movement
    • The British Movement
    • The League of St. George
    • Column 88
    • The British Democratic Party
    • The British National Party
    • Any other organisation which has racist aims
  6. The School may cancel any hiring if in their opinion the organisation for which the premises are hired has racist policies, regardless of the stated reason for hiring the premises. In such event the School shall incur no liability to the hirer whatsoever, other than return of any fee paid by him of such cancelled engagement.
  7. If the hirer cancels the hiring of the premises for any of the dates shown overleaf, then the School will be entitled to retain the whole of the lettings fee in respect of the cancelled hiring provided always that if notice of the cancellation of a hiring is received by the School at least 14 days before the hiring was to take place then the School may at their absolute discretion repay the hirer an amount not exceeding 90% of the letting fees.