Whisper provides everyone in the school community a safe place to talk, report or highlight issues and concerns. When you don’t know where to go or who to turn to, Whisper can provide a light in the dark.

Whisper allows you to report any issues or concerns you may be having, anonymously, through SMS messaging or via email.
If you need to report anything, please follow the link https://swgfl.org.uk/whisper/mhs5/.
Alternatively, you can send a message to 07860 021 323 starting your message with MHS5 to report via SMS.
The school will respond as soon as we can.
For more information on Whisper, please use the following links from SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning – a charity who specialise in online safety and developed Whisper)
Whisper Usage FAQ
What is anonymous reporting?
The premise of Whisper is to provide an anonymous reporting service, and whilst it can be used without entering any personal information, providing some personal information affords users convenience.
For example if you want to receive email notifications when your report is responded to, you will need to enter your email address. Similarly, if you use the SMS service, the system uses your phone number to relay responses back to you. If you do not wish to enter any personal information, then you must manually check your unique reporting link to see updates, the system will have no way of notifying you.
So really in the context of the Whisper system, “Anonymous” means anonymous to the receiving party. By using the SMS service, or entering your email address to receive notifications, you are trusting that the Whisper system will protect your anonymity from the receiving party.
What happens when I send a report via the website?
Someone at your school will read your message and respond to you if required. You can access their responses through your unique URL which will be generated when you submit your report. If you enter your email address, we will email you when someone has responded. Your email address will not be revealed to the school.
What happens when I send a report via SMS?
The report will be sent to the school who will be able to read it and then respond. You will also receive an automated response with your unique chat link if you wish to chat via the web. Any response will be sent to your phone via SMS, and you can respond by simply replying (without using the SMS prefix code)
Where will I see the response?
You can access your message chat via your unique link that will be generated when you submit your report. If you send your report via SMS, you can respond via SMS.
What happens if I do not leave my email address, how will I know I received a response?
When you submit a report, we generate a unique link for you to be able to access your chat. If you do not enter your email address, we will be unable to notify you when you get a response. You will have to periodically access your unique link to check if you have any new messages.
Why do I need to save the URL to be able to communicate with the school?
We have provided a save button so that you can access your unique chat URL, if you enter your email address we will email you when you receive a response along with the link to your chat. In this instance you would not need to save the link.
How much will it cost me to send/receive messages?
To send a Whisper SMS, you will be charged your standard SMS rate for each text you send, which may be included in your package. You will not be charged for receipt of SMS messages.
Will school know my mobile number if I send SMS?
Your mobile number is recorded by the Whisper system for the purpose of relaying messages between you and the school, the school does not have access to your mobile number or other specific pieces of personal data, and it is managed in accordance with our terms and conditions, privacy, and data protection policies.
At Manor High, we like to celebrate the success of young people so our focus is on praise and rewards for achievement.
Students can earn House Points in many ways: outstanding work, consistently high performance, exemplary behaviour, attendance, representing the school, musical and drama performances or contributing to the school community.
As well as being able to earn additional House Points, you can also lose them if receiving sanctions.
At the end of each term there will be certificates and rewards issued to the high achievers in each House. At the end of the school year all points will be combined to see which House will be awarded the House Cup.
Manor High School is committed to excellent behavioural standards built around our core values. Those who fall short of these standards will face sanctions in line with the severity of the transgression and within the school’s behavioural policy.
Consequences are given for:
- S1: Low level disruption or misbehaviour leading to warnings -1 HP
- S2: Persistent disrespectful behaviour or chewing gum -2 HP
- S3: Serious non-compliant and unreasonable behaviour -3 HP
- S4: Unacceptable and/or offensive behaviour leading to more serious sanctions -5 HP
All achievement and behaviour points can be viewed by your parents using School Gateway.
Any lost property found in school will be displayed in the Lost Property container (located near the Pastoral Centre). This will be accessible to students at set times of the day.
Any small items (glasses, keys, etc.) are handed into reception.
Please ensure all personal belongings are named with your full name so they can be returned if handed in. Unclaimed lost property is donated to charity at the end of each school year.
Our clubs and activities can be viewed on the screens located around school. If you have any questions about clubs, or ideas for new ones, please speak to the relevant curriculum leader.
(Details correct at time of publishing, September 2022. Menus and prices are subject to change.)