OAK Multi Academy Trust is made up of five schools:
- Brookside Primary School
- Manor High School
- Overdale Infant School
- Overdale Junior School
- Woodland Grange Primary School
The OAK MAT ensures that our school continues to provide the best possible standard of education and care for our children.
Key benefits of being part of the Multi-Academy Trust:
- Each school is able to retain its character and continues to look, feel and be the same with the same uniform, school name, school times, holiday pattern and admission policy. Most of the changes that occur are behind the scenes.
- The MAT organisation does not affect parents choice of secondary school for their child. Primary partners continue to work closely with all local schools in areas such as Year 6/Year 7 transition and events.
- A Headteacher and Governing Body lead each school on a daily basis and parents will continue to be represented on the Local Governing Body.
- The MAT arrangements share some services across the schools which help them be more efficient and make sure that funding is focused on teaching, learning and support for children.
Being part of the MAT:
- Helps us to develop the highest quality of leadership and management and the highest quality of teaching and learning.
- Gives us greater freedoms in developing the school curriculum to make sure that it is personalised to the needs of our pupils, ensuring high expectation and total conviction that all pupils can succeed whatever their circumstances, background or previous level of attainment.
- Provides economic benefits such as centralised services and economies of scale.
- Enables us to support each other as the support from local authorities reduces.
- Increases the flexibility of the school budget and funds which gives us more freedom to spend it to best meet the priorities of the school and pupils.
- Provides the opportunity to establish succession planning programmes and in doing so, retaining good staff who might otherwise move on – including head teachers.
Headteachers and Governors believe that academy status within the OAK MAT is the best way to support the schools in continuing to develop and improve, and that working together within the Trust brings benefits to teaching and learning and which impacts positively on children’s achievement.