All students receive termly progress reports, which show the progress that students are making towards their target grades.
Parents/carers with concerns about their child should contact:
- The subject teacher if they are concerned about their child’s progress in a particular subject, as they are accountable for the development of all students in their class
- The SENCo if they have worries about their child’s learning in general
- Their child’s House Manager if they are concerned about behavioural issues
Students with a statement of special education needs or education & health care plan (EHCP) will have it reviewed on an annual basis and detailed feedback will be obtained from subject teachers and support staff. In addition, there will be a further two opportunities for the parents/carers of students with statements and EHCPs to meet with the SENDCo to discuss their child’s progress – one of which will be parents’ evening. All parents/carers of these students will be invited to attend these meetings either by phone and/or letter. Details of statements and EHCP’s will be circulated to all staff.
Where a child has been identified as having a special educational need or disability (other than a statement or EHCP) the SENDCo or the lead LSA will meet with the child and their parent/carer in order to discuss their needs, appropriate interventions and strategies, and the progress they are making.
Following on from this meeting the SEND department will produce a student profile, which will include:
- A photograph of the child
- What the students want staff to know about them
- Action and strategies that work well with this student
- Specific targets – particularly for literacy and numeracy
- Details of interventions and the progress being made
Our SEND team aim to discuss the child’s progress on two further occasions – one of which will be the annual parents’ meeting. All parents/carers will be invited to attend these meetings by phone and/or letter. The student profile will be circulated to all staff so that they know how best to support the students in their lessons.