Headteacher’s Update
Dear Families
I begin by wishing you all a very happy new year and we very much look forward to working with you over the next year and beyond.
We have begun the year really positively with a number of changes that we were quietly working on over the Christmas break.
We have migrated our management information from SIMS to Arbor. Over time this will enable more effective communication with parents and also enable greater efficiencies within school as well as for parents as we will begin to move to using Arbor for a variety of systems that currently require parents to remember a plethora of passwords and apps! This is a significant change for us and we will continue to communicate as we develop use further over the course of this term.
In addition we have upgraded our kitchen systems to allow for, overtime, smoother service for students and therefore improved queueing times. This is something that students have mentioned to us in student voice sessions. There inevitably will be teething problems with this but we will get there in time and we ask for your patience as the kitchen team become familiar with a new system. Your child will be issued with a fob with a QR code on over the next few days that can be attached to their lanyard or a set of keys. It is important that students look after these as they are required to be able to purchase food. Next week do check that your child has received a fob. If not please contact your child’s tutor directly.
Our Sports Hall build is progressing well and is on target for a handover next term at some point, although the current weather is not helping progression! There are some photos of where we are with this attached. Exciting times are ahead!!
With best wishes
Mr S Greiff
Art and Design Colourful Robots
This week, some of our Year 8 Art and Design students have put the finishing touches on their colour pencil robot designs inspired by the artist Eric Joyner. This is one of four inspiring artists the Year 8 students will research and create pieces responding to this year. Next up this month in the Robotics Project will be designed mechanical insects.
NHS Virtual Work Experience Opportunities
The following work experience opportunities have been shared with us. They are available next week for students and are online.
The organisers have said that the events below provide valuable insights into emerging careers and help students to build skills that will enhance their future education and of course employment.
If students are interested, they can click on the link to register under the relevant course for them (course are aimed at either Years 7-9 or Years 10-11).
Tuesday 14th January at 4.30pm (virtual session hosted on MS Teams)
Student year groups: Years 7-9
“Quick with the facts, help the NHS be swift to react!”
- A 45-minute briefing with the NHS team
- Complete the career challenge at their own pace
- Certification awarded on completion
Register now! (students)
Wednesday 15th January at 5pm (virtual session hosted on MS Teams)
Student year groups: Years 10-13
After a sudden bump and fall, should they visit A&E or is first aid enough for all?
- A 45-minute briefing with the NHS team
- Complete the career challenge at their own pace
- Certification awarded on completion
- Register now! (students)
Year 11 – Positive Steps 16 site (PS16)
Please note that we must have all applications sent by Monday 13th January – we cannot have any students without applications past this date.
Year 11 students have been sent their log in details to the PS16 website. These were sent to students’ school email accounts. This is the site students use to make applications to schools and colleges in Leicester and Leicestershire.
We have also shown our students a simple guide of what to do once logged in to the site. We showed this during assembly. This has also been shared on ClassCharts so that students, parents and carers can refer to it (it is a Power Point).
Please ensure that students keep their log in details safe. Students can now start using this site as set out on the Power Point – ensuring their personal details etc as well as personal statements are up to date on the system.
Mandarin Club
As part of Chinese New Year celebrations, our Mandarin teachers are interested in running a slightly different Mandarin club on Tuesday 11th February only. The session could include paper cutting, Chinese calligraphy, lantern/face mask making etc. All students who are currently signed up to Mandarin Club will have their usual place. If anyone else would be interested in attending this session please email Mr Croucher. We will run the spaces on a first come first served basis.
Unfortunately there will be no Mandarin Club running on Tuesday 4th February.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
We will be relaunching our programme in 2025 and are aiming to run both the Bronze and the Silver Awards. We will be in touch in the new year with more information including the new costs.
We have always felt this is a really important opportunity for our young people and it goes without saying that we are excited to be launching in 2025. As a result we have taken the necessary time to ensure we move forward with a model that allows our students to enjoy and succeed with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. More information will come out in the New Year.
Till Upgrade Completed
I would like to thank all the parents and students for their support since coming back to school whilst we integrate to the new system.
A few things have come about that we would like to make you aware of:
- On 7th and 8th January there are transactions showing on SchoolComms accounts 3 times, however students were only charged once as we checked on multiple accounts that have enquired.
- Plastic Fobs with QR codes were given to tutors this morning and all students will have one they can use on the till system. We have 2x Spare at the school for each student also, however if all 3 need to be replaced there maybe a charge of £1.00.
- It is important that there is sufficient funds on your son/daughters account as the canteen staff are unable to serve students without any money on their accounts (FSM students will automatically get their account credited with £2.80 per day).
If you are having issues with connecting to Schoolcomms please email admin@manorhigh.leics.sch.uk and we will support.
Again thank you for your support and patience whilst we integrate this system.
Mr S Tweed
School Business Leader
We are really keen for former Manor High School students to share their experiences of the world of work with our students.
If you, a family member or even friend who was a Manor High School student and could possibly help us with this please email us via the Admin email (FAO Mr Croucher).
Many thanks.
After School Study Centre and Interventions
Please can you reinforce to students that if they are staying behind at school to use the study centre (either to work or to wait for a parent to collect them) they must not leave site first and then come back. We have had a number of students leave site at the end of the school day, head to the shop and then arrive back at school 15 minutes later saying they need to wait in the study centre. We cannot allow students to just come and go like this as it is not safe and also not fair to staff who are supporting in the study centre.
The same is the case for interventions. If a student has an intervention session after school they must leave session 3, stay on site and then head to their intervention. Some students have been leaving site at the end of the day, heading to the shops and then wanting to be let back onto site 15 minutes later. This is also not acceptable.
Thanks for your support with this.
Year 10 Work Experience
Thank you to all who have brought forms back in. Payments have been set up on the school gateway (thank you also to those who have already paid). Please make your payment promptly so your form can be fully processed.
Safeguarding Update
Tellmi offers a safe space for young people to talk about difficult things and get support from others who are dealing with similar issues. Students can access anonymous, pre-moderated peer and counsellor support, as well as 1-2-1 therapy through the Tellmi app and web app. They can also connect to the First Steps ED service to get specialist support for issues relating to body image or disordered eating.
This service is funded by the NHS, so it is free and it is exclusively available to young people who live in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. Students don’t need a referral and there is no waiting list.
Tellmi can be downloaded for free from the App Store, Play Store or via our Web App tellmi.app
Online Safety Newsletter – January 2025
I hope you have had a good break and a healthy and safe start to the new year. Attached is some key information for families regarding keeping young people safe in their use of technology. Hopefully it will provide some great tips and hacks to support you and your child.
Increasing Incidents of Illness In Children – LCC Public Health
During the winter months, illnesses such as colds and flu are more common. The NHS continues to experience significant pressures this winter. There are a number of things you can do to help yourself to stay well, which includes getting your seasonal vaccinations, and adopting healthy habits.
Flu Vaccinations
The School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) is currently offering all children and young people in primary, secondary and special schools a free flu vaccine. Details are shared with parents and carers through your child’s school. It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if your child has missed the school flu vaccine, the SAIS team will contact you about catch-up sessions. If you or your child have missed any other vaccine, contact your GP to catch up.
For more local information about vaccinations, please visit our website
Healthy Habits
Handwashing is one of the most effective ways to stop germs from spreading. Regularly washing hands in soap and warm water for 20 seconds can help you and your child to stay well and not pass on germs.
Using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes helps to prevent the spread of germs. Make sure tissues are thrown in the bin after use.
Make Sure You Have Self-Care Essentials at Home
Consider keeping these essentials at home: thermometer, plasters, child-friendly paracetamol and ibuprofen, antiseptic cream, an ice-pack and antihistamines. Store medicines in a cool, dry, lockable cabinet, out of reach of children and always check the dates on medicines.