Headteacher’s Update

Dear Parents
This week has been a particularly eventful period, characterised by significant steps taken in both our academic and pastoral work.
Mental health and wellbeing have been at the forefront of our thoughts this week, with a series of assemblies dedicated to this crucial topic. These sessions build upon the work we have undertaken throughout this half term term to try to create a supportive and nurturing environment for all members of our school community. The job is not done, and we continue to work on this. For example I met at Oadby Mosque on Wednesday with a group of religious leaders, and also other Oadby Secondary Headteachers to discuss how we can continue to support our students during difficult times for them both locally, nationally and internationally.
I am pleased to announce that we will have soon established a cohort of Wellbeing Ambassadors within our school. These individuals will soon undergo specialised training, equipping them with the skills necessary to provide peer support to our pupils, complementing the existing adult support structures we have in place.
In our ongoing efforts to enhance the learning experience and prepare our pupils for an increasingly digital world, we have made significant progress in the distribution of iPads. Pupils in Years 8 and 9 have already received their devices, and Year 7 pupils will receive theirs on Monday, 28th October. It is imperative that pupils remember to bring these devices to school daily, as they will become an integral part of our educational toolkit. While their usage may not be consistent in every lesson initially, we anticipate a gradual increase in their integration as both staff and pupils become more adept at using this technology in the best possible way.
I would like to emphasise that the introduction of iPads is not merely a ‘gimmick’, but rather a carefully considered strategy to enhance teaching and learning. These devices will not entirely replace traditional methods such as pen and paper but will be employed when they offer a better solution and method of facilitating learning and engagement.
As we look ahead to the half-term break, I would like to remind everyone that the upcoming week will be slightly shorter for our pupils. The term will conclude at the end of Thursday, 17th October, with the half-term holiday commencing on Friday, 18th October. Pupils will return to school on Monday, 28th October.
I wish you all a restful weekend, and look forward to more settled weather next week.
Mr S Greiff
Year 10 and 11 PPE Timetables November 2024
iPad Launch
We are pleased to share the success of our recent iPad rollout for Year 8 and 9 students, which has truly been a collaborative effort. A big thank you to our staff, students, and families for their hard work and dedication in making this launch smooth and efficient. Our staff worked diligently to ensure a seamless distribution process, and students have been fantastic in cooperating with staff to register and set up their devices.
Students are now actively using their iPads to enhance their learning experience in the classroom. As we continue through the year, the use of iPads in lessons will expand, allowing students and teachers to explore new features and innovative ways to support learning.
We would also like to thank parents who quickly completed the home-school agreement, which was essential in facilitating the iPad distribution. A small number of students have not yet received their devices due to absence or technical issues. Please rest assured that we are addressing these matters, and every student will have their iPad shortly.
Year 7 students are scheduled to receive their iPads on Monday, 28th October. We kindly remind parents who have yet to complete the home-school agreement to do so via the link provided. This will ensure that we can distribute iPads promptly when students return after the half-term break.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to sharing the many positive experiences students will have with their new devices!
MFL News
Results of European Day of Languages tutor time competition
The Modern Languages department is pleased to announce the winning tutor groups from our tutor time competition as follows:
1st place B3
2nd place K1
3rd place W2
4th place K7
House Points will be given to the winning tutor groups accordingly. Thank you to all tutor groups who participated and broadened their knowledge about European languages and culture!
MFL Porteek Club – Greek and Portuguese Club
Our Porteek club continues to grow in popularity, with 15 Y7, 8 and 9 students attending last Thursday to sample the delicious Greek food prepared by Mrs Prinou. This week, Miss Patel, herself a fluent Portuguese speaker, produced some delicious Portuguese cuisine for students to try! Upcoming plans are as follows:
Thursday 17th October: Greek Festival Traditions
Thursday 31st October: Portuguese Halloween Traditions
Come along and broaden your cultural horizons!
MFL 2025 French trip to Nice
This week, the MFL department is also launching a fabulous trip to Nice in June 2025. Year 9 and 10 French students will be receiving information letters via email shortly and deposits/expressions of interest can be made on School Gateway once the trip is launched.
Attendance Matters
Why is excellent attendance important?
Excellent attendance and punctuality are vital for success at school, and to establish positive life habits that are necessary for future success.
Through attending regularly, pupils can:
- Build friendships and develop social groups.
- Develop life skills.
- Engage in essential learning and other school social events.
- Achieve to their full potential.
- Minimise the risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour.
What YOU must do:
- Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence.
- Tell the school in advance, of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters.
- If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival.
- Have a backup plan for if your child misses transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.
- If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help!
What WE will do:
- Check your child’s attendance every day.
- Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you.
- Invite you into school for attendance meetings if we are concerned.
- If we cannot establish a reason for absence, then we may make a welfare home visit.
PE Notice
We have been very impressed with the engagement in lessons from our students, even despite the inclement weather. We have seen a decline in weather over the last couple of weeks, and we want our students to stay as dry as possible. We have mentioned to all students that they should bring spare shoes and socks in case they get their feet wet in PE lessons. We also suggest the purchase of a waterproof jacket. We are mindful of cost for parents and therefore are not going to provide a more expensive branded option- some suggestions are below. We are more than happy for students to wear these.
Gelert | Waterproof Packaway Jacket | Waterproof Jackets | SportsDirect.com
Regatta | Stormbreaker Jacket | Waterproof Jackets | SportsDirect.com
Regatta | Laiyah Ld99 | Waterproof Jackets | SportsDirect.com
Gelert | Packaway Ladies Jacket | Waterproof Jackets | SportsDirect.com
Regatta | Kids Stormbreak Waterproof Jacket | Waterproof Jackets | SportsDirect.com
As for mouth guards for the inclusion of rugby on the curriculum:
Sondico | Ergo Fit Fusion Mouthguard | Mouthguards | SportsDirect.com
At £5 these are great value and should last the life of their time here at Manor!
K11B Fundraising
K11B would like to donate to a charity called Children’s Hospital pyjamas. (Please see attached leaflet)
This charity provides new pyjamas for children aged 0-18 for those who are spending long periods of time in hospitals/hospices/refuges. In hospitals, for example, they only provide gowns even if children are staying there for longer due to emergency operations etc and this can be distressing and stressful for the children and the parents.
We would like to ask all tutor groups to donate at least 1 pair of new pyjamas aged 0-18 and so far the response has been very positive showing how caring and compassionate our students are. There are house points available for the house that donates the most.
There will also be a donation section on School Gateway if parents and carers wish to make donations. This money will be used to buy new sets of pyjamas and will be given to the charity by the end of October.
We really hope to buy as many sets of pyjamas as possible to make a real difference those children in local hospitals such as the LRI and the General where this charity donates to.
Thank you so much for your support!
Miss Chudasama and K11B
We are reaching out to any past students of our school who may be willing to inspire our current students. We are looking for people to share their experiences of life after Manor High School all the way to the world of work. If you think you have a family member or even friend who was a Manor High School student and could possibly help us with this please get them to email at: admin@manorhigh.leics.sch.uk (FAO Mr Croucher). Many thanks.
Year 11 – Post 16
We have created a list of open events at local Post 16 providers (schools and colleges). Please note this list covers a lot of providers but not all of them. We advised that all students should look at a range of different providers to help them make a more informed decision about where they will apply next year. We have sent this list of open events to students via class charts as well. Please click the link below to view the information.
We will be in touch in the next few weeks about the Post 16 application process.
Year 11 – Positive Steps 16 Site (PS16)
Year 11 students have been sent their log in details to the PS16 website. These were sent this morning to students’ school email accounts. This is the site students use to make applications to schools and colleges in Leicester and Leicestershire.
We have also shown our students a simple guide of what to do once logged in to the site. We showed this during assembly. This has also been shared on ClassCharts so that students, parents and carers can refer to it (it is a Power Point).
Please ensure that students keep their log in details safe. Students can now start using this site as set out on the Power Point – ensuring their personal details etc as well as personal statements are up to date on the system.
Leicester High School for Girls
We will communicate more about the times for the event next week but please keep the date in your diary. This is an opportunity for our Year 11 students to interact with these providers, ask questions and help gain more information re their Post 16 choices. However, we cannot stress enough the importance of visiting providers too (please see attached list of open events at local providers.
Leicester High School for Girls have emailed us sharing their open events. These are as follows: Sixth Form Taster Day and Information Evening on Tuesday 5th November for any girls who might be interested. Please see the link below.
Safeguarding Update
Mental Health Support Outside of School
Healthy Start
Do you work with families and young children? yes? keep reading, this could make a real difference!
Financially, times are tough right now so why not find out more about the Healthy Start scheme that could support families who are eligible to buy fresh food and milk! If families have a child under the age of 4 or are more than 10 weeks pregnant, they may be entitled to money towards buying healthy food and milk .
There are two briefings you can attend to find out more…
Mon, 4th Nov 2024, 13:00 – 14:00
Come along to find out more and ask questions.
Do it today, book a place following the link below-
Self Harm and Suicide Awareness Training for Parents/Carers
Please click here for some information about a training and awareness event around self-harm and suicide aimed at parents and carers of children and young people . Although the face-to-face sessions will be in Leicester City, there are online sessions available. Some information about a training and awareness event around self-harm and suicide aimed at parents and carers of children and young people . Although the face-to-face sessions will be in Leicester City, there are online sessions available.
Mind Mental Well-being Workshops
Mind are delivering a range of webinars to promote positive mental well-being during October including managing stress, menopause and mental health, mental health awareness, mindfulness and self-care. Please click here for more details.
Online Safety Newsletter
Please click this link to view our online safety newsletter.
Extra Curricular Activities
Toilet Passes
Please be aware that toilet passes are only issued to the few students who have a medical need to have free access to the toilets, ensuring they are able to go at any point during the lesson. Medical evidence will be required.