Headteacher’s Update
Dear Families
It’s been a very positive first full week back, and I’m particularly pleased with how our Year 7 pupils are settling in. Most of them are now navigating the school building with confidence, finding their way to classes with ease. This transition is crucial, and it’s heartening to see their quick adaptation to their new environment.
This week, our assemblies have focused on the theme of respect. The responses from our pupils have been incredibly encouraging, demonstrating their maturity and understanding of this essential value. It’s not just in assemblies where we’ve seen positive attitudes; across the school, approximately 4000 reward points have been issued this week alone. This impressive number reflects the superb approach our pupils are taking towards their learning and their conduct in school.
As many of you are aware, we’re currently in the midst of a significant building project. (See image taken from upstairs in the Viking Building this morning).
While this is exciting for our school’s future, it does present some challenges, particularly regarding parking and traffic around the school. Our car park is exceptionally busy due to the ongoing construction work and the resulting absence of parking behind the school. If you need to collect your child for any unavoidable reason, we kindly ask that you park on a street around the school.
Additionally, with a primary school sharing our site, the end of the school day can be particularly busy. We appreciate your cooperation in parking considerately, preferably away from the school site, to ensure the safety of pupils as well as enabling the smooth flow of traffic for all.
Looking ahead, I’m excited to announce our upcoming Open Evening on Thursday, 26th September. If you have friends or family interested in joining our school community, please direct them to our website at www.manorhigh.leics.sch.uk/admissions. There, they’ll find details about the Open Evening and information on the Open Mornings we’re hosting this half term, including how to book.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. Your involvement is crucial to our school’s success, and we value the strong community we’re building together.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr S Greiff
Year 7 Timings
To help our Year 7 students get used to routines in and around school we have amended their school day slightly. We will continue with the early break and lunch time for two more weeks. However, we will no longer take year 7 out of session 3 at 3.00pm, they will be taken out of their lesson at 3:05pm with everyone else.
Year 7 Session one: finish at 10:35am and go out to break early.
Year 7 Session two: finish at 12:30pm and go out to lunch early.
Year 7 Session three: finish at 3:05pm.
Year 11 1:1 Careers Meetings
Each year we offer all of our Year 11 students a 1:1 careers meeting with a level 6 Careers Advisor. Our careers advisors work for MyPath which is a team that solely focus on career education.
This year we are spreading careers interviews over a longer period than usual. Students should not worry if they do not have an appointment time yet. We hope that by Friday 6th September we can let all students know when their session will be.
The 1:1 sessions started on Monday 2nd September and we then have dates through September, October, November and the first week in January. Our next date is Monday 17th September.
Year 11 tutors are informing students of when their booking is. These sessions will help our Year 11’s think about their futures as well as help them with the Post 16 decision process. More information about the Post 16 process will come out soon.
Post 16 – Year 11
Beauchamp City’s Open Day will now be on Saturday 2 November, 10 am – 2 pm. Please ignore the previous dates they have published.
E-Card Top Ups
Students must bring their E-Cards to school every day. It is vital that if students are purchasing food from the school catering facilities that the card balance is sufficient and students present their E Cards. The admin staff can only provide temporary lunch slips in exceptional circumstances.
Extra Curricular Activities
Pharmacy First For School
SEND Roadshow
Online Safety News Letter
Headteacher’s Update
Dear Families
As we embark on a new academic year, I am delighted to welcome back all our pupils and families. I trust that you have had an enjoyable summer break. It has been a pleasure to see our school community reunited, and we eagerly anticipate the journey ahead and what this year will bring.
The start of term has been particularly exciting with the arrival of our new Year 7 pupils. To facilitate their transition, we have implemented a slightly adjusted schedule for breaks and lunches over the next couple of weeks. It has been fantastic to see their bright smiles as they settle in to Manor High. Equally pleasing to see has been the exemplary behaviour of our older pupils, who have embodied our core values of respect and inspiration by offering support to our newest members during break times and lunches. I witnessed yesterday some of our Year 11 students playing basketball with some of our youngest students- this was great to see!
The summer period has been a busy time at Manor High, with several significant improvements undertaken to enhance our facilities. I am pleased to announce the installation of a brand new kitchen, which will greatly improve our food service capabilities. While our staff are still familiarising themselves with the new equipment, resulting in slightly slower service at present, we anticipate this will improve as they become more accustomed to the new facilities. There are also a few little bits and pieces to complete which are limiting the extent of service, but we do not anticipate this being for a long period.
Another major development is the ongoing construction of our new Sports Hall. We are optimistic that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, this project will reach completion by the summer term. This facility will enhance our sporting provisions and also provide additional classroom space. Naturally, a project of this scale necessitates some temporary adjustments to movement around the school and access to certain areas. It has also placed some constraints on our parking facilities. As such, if you need to collect your child during the school day due to exceptional circumstances, you may need to park on the street and walk to the school gate.
We have also launched a redesigned website over the summer. While the web address remains unchanged (www.manorhigh.leics.sch.uk), you will find the style and content have been refreshed. Do please have a browse.
Lastly, I am delighted to announce the appointment of our new Deputy Headteacher, Ms Helen Newbery. We are thrilled to welcome Ms Newbery to our leadership team and look forward to the valuable contributions she will undoubtedly make to our school community. More information about this is below.
As we start this new academic year, we look forward to working with you and hope that you, like us, are filled with optimism about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead for our pupils. The improvements to our facilities, coupled with our dedicated staff and the positive ethos of our school community, provide an excellent foundation for a successful year.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. Together, we can ensure that Manor High School continues to be a place where every pupil can thrive and reach their full potential.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mr S Greiff
Introducing our Deputy Headteacher
I would like to formally introduce myself as Helen Newbery, Deputy Headteacher at Manor High School. I am really excited and enthusiastic about working with your child, yourselves and the wider school community to continue the journey we have started in ensuring we have ‘excellent people and excellent results’. I have been a school senior leader for over 10 years having worked in three other schools, most recently in a school in Leicester City and previously in schools in Kent. I have a range of experience in leading whole school responsibilities, such as teaching and learning, quality assurance and standards, and most recently, pastoral care and safeguarding. As well as many whole school responsibilities I hold here at Manor, I am also the schools Designated Safeguard Lead, and will oversee the safeguarding provision we have at Manor as well as work collaboratively with Mrs Ghani on any safeguarding issues that arise. Ensuring that students feel safe and supported is a fundamental to the success of any school, and I am looking forward to continuing the great work and practice that has been in place, as well as looking at new provisions.
I am really thankful for the welcome the students have given me and look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year
Year 7 Timings
We have been allowing year 7 to work with the following timings and this will continue up to Friday 6th September. They help our Year 7 get used to routines in and around school and this aids the transition process.
Session one: finish at 10:35am and go out to break early. Classroom staff will accompany them for the earlier part of break.
Session two: finish at 12:30pm and go out to lunch early. Classroom staff will accompany them for the earlier part of lunch.
Session 3: finish at 3pm. Classroom staff to start escorting year 7 students to the front of school, slightly ahead of all other year groups.
From the w/c Monday 9th September these timings will not be in place – year 7 will follow the normal school day timings.
Thank you.
Post 16 and Careers Update
Post 16 – Year 11
Beauchamp City’s Open Day will now be on Saturday 2 November, 10 am – 2 pm.
Please ignore the previous dates they have published.
Year 11 1:1 Careers Meetings
Each year we offer all of our Year 1 students a 1:1 careers meeting with a level 6 Careers Advisor. Our careers advisors work for MyPath which is a team that solely focus on career education.
This year we are spreading careers interviews over a longer period than usual. Students should not worry if they do not have an appointment time yet. We hope that by Friday 6th September we can let all students know when their session will be.
The 1:1 sessions start on Monday 2nd September and we then have dates through September, October, November and the first week in January.
These sessions will help our Year 11’s think about their futures as well as help them with the Post 16 decision process. More information about the Post 16 process will come out soon.
We have had a really positive first week back at school. Students engagement and behaviour have been excellent and it has been a joy to welcome the year 7’s who are already settling in to Manor High Way.
Year 7 students will be receiving their logins for classcharts on Monday, there will be a separate login for parents. We believe in working closely with parents and guardians. One of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) achievements with you and to keep you up to date in real-time. You will also be able to track homework and behaviour incident and detentions.
The overwhelming majority of student look very smart in their Manor High uniform. There are some students who have been missing the odd item of uniform E.G. their lanyard or blazer and a small number who are wearing incorrect footwear. Parents were notified of the correct shoes via email before the summer holidays and toward the end. As a reminder here it is:
Only black polishable leather or simulated leather shoes are permitted. Boots, canvas shoes, converse style or trainer style shoes are not permitted, including branded sports makes including (but not limited to) Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Converse and Vans. Brands like Kickers are permitted as long as they are a formal leather type shoe and the branding is discreet. Branding can be no larger than 15mmx10mm. The converse style Kickers shoes will not be permitted.
We expect the highest standards and do check adherence to our uniform policy. Students who don’t respect our uniform standards will be sanctioned accordingly on Monday morning.
Thanks you for your support.