Headteacher’s Update

Dear Families
Firstly, a thank you to our Year 8 parents for attendance at parents’ evening last night. It was wonderful to talk to parents about school and the positivity from parents was great to hear. We continue to work hard to stay true to our core values, and to our vision of creating Excellent People as well as students getting Excellent Results.
We have introduced a thought for the week that chimes with our values- this week’s focus was on resilience and we focussed our rewards around this and catching people being resilient was highlighted in lessons. The thought for the week was an old Japanese proverb – ‘Fall down seven times. Stand up eight.’
Fairly straightforward but effective! School is a place to learn resilience. Sometimes things are difficult, but with hard work, determination and resilience we get there. Students’ attitudes to learning have been impressive since we returned- 11,450 reward points have been issued in the 3 weeks we have been back.
Our ski trip returns this weekend and this is the true demonstration of resilience and indeed ‘fall down seven times. Stand up eight’ is something that I am sure has happened repeatedly on this trip! Mr Lansdale and Mrs Watson will be arranging next year’s trip in due course I am sure- so look out for information if your child is interested.
Finally, I would like to remind you of the importance of student attendance at school. You can see your child’s attendance on ClassCharts. When we see attendance at 90% there is a misinterpretation that 90% is good. A score of 90% in an examination would be exceptional, however in attendance terms, 90% is too low. The graphic below- which is in our Reception area for all to see demonstrates the rationale behind this. The key message is that for children to get the most out of school, they need to be in classrooms. So please do encourage attendance, and even if there is a bit of a sniffle and a cold it is best to send your child to school.
With best wishes
Mr S Greiff

Year 11 PPE Timetable
Please click below to view the Year 11 PPE timetable starting on Monday 10th February.
Rewards & Behaviour
It has been a really positive week in regards rewards and behaviour. This year nearly 90% of points awarded are positive. This shows that the vast majority of our students get it right day in and day out. The rewards store has now been topped up with all the goods available. The rewards range from vouchers, to equipment to sports equipment. There is even a lucky dip option! A reminder that when these items are gone they will be gone. This term there will be reward events again including a Pizza Party. There is plenty to look forward to!!!
In order to keep expectations high we will be reinforcing some basic expectations from Monday:
- We expect students to arrive at school by 8.30 and in their form room by 8.40. Those students late will receive an RTL (30 minute afterschool detention) as well as a further sanction at lunch on the same day so we can reinforce these expectations.
- We expect students to have full school uniform and to be worn correctly. A reminder that Hoodies are banned from the site. Please ensure students are not coming to school in hoodies (This includes the Ski trip hoodies). Hoodies will be taken off students if they are worn on site. We recommend a winter coat at this time of year.
- We expect students to have full equipment. For years 7-9 this includes a stylus to accompany their ipad. These can be purchased very cheaply online.
- We expect when a student receives a detention that they sit it. We will be trialling adding a lunchtime detention for those that do not attend S3 detentions. This will still mean they have to sit an S3 after school detention as well.
Thanks for your support with this.
SEND Reviews
We are delighted to let you know that the SEND reviews are going to be taking place as we are now coming to the end of our first cycle of interventions. The reviews have been organised with either the form tutor or a member of the SEND team, we endeavour to have these arranged by the 7th of February. These reviews are a really great opportunity for us to work together and an important time for parents/carers to be able to discuss the interventions their child has received, as well as working with us collaboratively regarding next steps. As this is the first time that a large number of students have had a review, we kindly ask for your understanding and patience as we go through this new process together.
Year 11 – Positive Steps 16 site (PS16)
Well done to Year 11 – we have sent off all the applications you have submitted. Applications were sent off before the school/colleges deadlines of January 31st so we are ahead!
Next steps:
- Regularly log into PS16 to see if you have had any offers or messages from schools or colleges. Be patient as different schools / colleges work with different time frames. You should hear back by the end of March latest.
- Do not worry if your friends have already heard from a school / college and you have not. This is totally normal.
- Accept all offers that are made to you. You can hold multiple offers. Do not ignore an offer whilst waiting for your favourite school/college. Accept any offers you are given. On results day you will choose where you go to (after you have seen the grades you get).
- If you wanted to make changes to any of your applications you need to call the school/college and speak to them. If you have any issues come and find Mr Croucher / Mrs Mahomed.
Leicester College Applications
Students, if you have applied to Leicester College through Post16 they have emailed on PS16 to say they will be dealing with your application through their College Learner Hub. Please do not worry! They have said that they will email you information about how to log into the College Learner Hub and how to then manage your application etc. Please check your emails regularly (the emails you sent to them via your profile on PS16) to keep an eye out for their messages. If you have any concerns you must contact Leicester College and then also come and speak to Mr Croucher / Mrs Mahomed.
Simply put this means that Leicester College will manage your application through their College Leaner Hub. Any other schools/colleges you applied to will still be managing your application through Post 16.
Mandarin Club
As part of Chinese New Year celebrations, our Mandarin teachers are interested in running a slightly different Mandarin club on Tuesday 11th February only. The session could include paper cutting, Chinese calligraphy, lantern/face mask making etc. All students who are currently signed up to Mandarin Club will have their usual place. If anyone else would be interested in attending this session please email Mr Croucher. We will run the spaces on a first come first served basis.
Unfortunately there will be no Mandarin Club running on Tuesday 4th February.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
We will be relaunching our programme in 2025 and are aiming to run both the Bronze and the Silver Awards. We will be in touch in the new year with more information including the new costs.
We have always felt this is a really important opportunity for our young people and it goes without saying that we are excited to be launching in 2025. As a result we have taken the necessary time to ensure we move forward with a model that allows our students to enjoy and succeed with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. More information will come out in the New Year.
Leicester Riders Ticket Offer
Manor High School have been given the offer of 50% off tickets for the next few home games. Simply use promo code ‘OAK50’ at checkout to claim your discount.
Click here to view the Leicester Riders Basketball website
If you haven’t been before, we would recommend giving it a try. Basketball is a fast paced game, full of excitement, that is easy to follow. Great for whole families!

We are really keen for former Manor High School students to share their experiences of the world of work with our students.
If you, a family member or even friend who was a Manor High School student and could possibly help us with this please email us via the Admin email (FAO Mr Croucher).
Many thanks.

After School Study Centre and Interventions
Please can you reinforce to students that if they are staying behind at school to use the study centre (either to work or to wait for a parent to collect them) they must not leave site first and then come back. We have had a number of students leave site at the end of the school day, head to the shop and then arrive back at school 15 minutes later saying they need to wait in the study centre. We cannot allow students to just come and go like this as it is not safe and also not fair to staff who are supporting in the study centre.
The same is the case for interventions. If a student has an intervention session after school they must leave session 3, stay on site and then head to their intervention. Some students have been leaving site at the end of the day, heading to the shops and then wanting to be let back onto site 15 minutes later. This is also not acceptable.
Thanks for your support with this.
Wellbeing Lunchtimes

NHS Mental Health Drop-ins