Headteacher’s Update

Dear Families
Last week I held assemblies focussing on the British Value of ‘Rule of Law’. It was an opportunity to explain to students why we have rules in school. Some of them seem strange to students- such as only using certain entrances and exits but there is always a reason. They ensure that students are safe. Our rules in school ensure that all students are respected and valued. I have been impressed with the students’ response to this.
This week we also had a behaviour reset. We have expectations around uniform and school equipment. This is checked in tutor times and students generally are brilliant at being equipped and ready to learn. We remind parents about uniform expectations through the link here Uniform – Manor High School – Oadby. The vast majority of students wear their uniforms with pride and we thank you for your support with this. The rules we have are not just rules for the sake of rules. They are expectations and a way we can build good habits, support each other, demonstrate equality and to help build a strong community within school.
Next week’s assemblies will focus upon Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is ‘Know yourself, grow yourself’ and is all about self awareness and how we can build and grow our resilience by understanding ourselves and recognising our emotions. We will be reminding students next week about how they can seek help. They should speak first with their trusted adult or form tutor in school but they also have an email address they can contact should they feel they can’t speak directly to an adult, this is safe@manorhigh.leics.sch.uk. I would like to remind you that if there are any concerns to please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance.
With best wishes
Mr S Greiff
Year 11 PPE Timetable
Please click below to view the Year 11 PPE timetable starting on Monday 10th February.
Italian Ski Trip
Last week 42 Manor students had the amazing opportunity of spending a week in the mountain village of Folgaria in Italy. The group of Year 8, 9 and 10 students enjoyed skiing, soaking up local culture and building both new skills and friendships. Every day was filled with good snow conditions, fresh pasta, Italian practice and progression on the slopes for all. We are really privileged to have this opportunity every year as a school for students to practice independence, grow resilience and build countless new skills.

Year 11 – Positive Steps 16 site (PS16)
Please can all year 11 be aware of these key next steps regarding Post 16 applications. Thank you.
Next steps:
- Regularly log into PS16 to see if you have had any offers or messages from schools or colleges. Be patient as different schools/colleges work with different time frames. You should hear back by the end of March latest.
- Regularly check your emails (the email address you gave on your PS16 profile e.g. school or personal email) as schools / colleges may email you here
- Do not worry if your friends have already heard from a school / college and you have not. This is totally normal.
- Accept all offers that are made to you. You can hold multiple offers. Do not ignore an offer whilst waiting for your favourite school/college. Accept any offers you are given. On results day you will choose where you go to (after you have seen the grades you get).
- If you wanted to make changes to any of your applications you need to call the school/college and speak to them. If you have any issues come and find Mr Croucher / Mrs Mahomed.
Leicester College Applications
If you have applied to Leicester College through Post16 they have emailed students (on ps16) to say they will be dealing with your application through their College Learner Hub. Please do not worry! They have said that they will email you information about how to log into the College Learner Hub and how to then manage your application etc. Please check your emails regularly (the emails you sent to them via your profile on PS16) to keep an eye out for their messages. If you have any concerns you must contact Leicester College and then also come and speak to Mr Croucher/Mrs Mahomed.
Simply put this means that Leicester College will manage your application through their College Leaner Hub. Any other schools/colleges you applied to will still be managing your application through Post 16.
Science Club & Mandarin Club
Unfortunately there will be no Science Club running on Monday 3rd February. The club will resume again on Monday 10th February.
As part of Chinese New Year celebrations, our Mandarin teachers are interested in running a slightly different Mandarin club on Tuesday 11th February only. The session could include paper cutting, Chinese calligraphy, lantern/face mask making etc. All students who are currently signed up to Mandarin Club will have their usual place. If anyone else would be interested in attending this session please email Mr Croucher. We will run the spaces on a first come first served basis.
Unfortunately there will be no Mandarin Club running on Tuesday 4th February.
Cycling to School
Just a reminder for those students cycling to school.
Although the mornings are starting to get a little brighter it is still quite dark.
Can we please remind you to wear the following if cycling in:
- Reflective material
- Helmets
- Lights to be on whilst cycling
The above is so other traffic can see you.
Thank you
Leicester Riders Ticket Offer
Manor High School have been given the offer of 50% off tickets for the next few home games. Simply use promo code ‘OAK50‘ at checkout to claim your discount.
Click here to view the Leicester Riders Basketball website
We have also been sent an additional promotion of 50% off for the Leicester Riders Trophy Semi Final home leg on Sunday 9th February. Simply use code ‘BBALL50‘ at checkout.

We are really keen for former Manor High School students to share their experiences of the world of work with our students.
If you, a family member or even friend who was a Manor High School student and could possibly help us with this please email us via the Admin email (FAO Mr Croucher).
Many thanks.

After School Study Centre and Interventions
Please can you reinforce to students that if they are staying behind at school to use the study centre (either to work or to wait for a parent to collect them) they must not leave site first and then come back. We have had a number of students leave site at the end of the school day, head to the shop and then arrive back at school 15 minutes later saying they need to wait in the study centre. We cannot allow students to just come and go like this as it is not safe and also not fair to staff who are supporting in the study centre.
The same is the case for interventions. If a student has an intervention session after school they must leave session 3, stay on site and then head to their intervention. Some students have been leaving site at the end of the day, heading to the shops and then wanting to be let back onto site 15 minutes later. This is also not acceptable.
Thanks for your support with this.
PE News
Big congratulations to Kalan and his older brother Kavi (ex MHS) who won the Leicestershire Badminton Association U17 Double Open Tournament last weekend. Well done! True excellence and resilience on display.

NHS Mental Health Drop-ins